Our Vision

All people have the opportunity to live a good life and participate in a welcoming community.

Our Mission

To support people at risk of social exclusion to live a good life of their choosing.


The philosophy of Australian Inclusion Group is based on some key social inclusion principles that form a significant framework for how AIG and the companies within the Group operate. They are based on the values of equity, equality, social justice, human rights and freedoms.

Social Inclusion occurs when all people have a true sense of belonging, feel they can contribute, be accepted, respected and valued for who they are. We believe that social inclusion benefits us all, at individual, organisation and community levels.

Social Inclusion is more than diversity. The true value of diverse communities or workplaces is captured when you understand and implement the principles of social inclusion.

Across the Group we work to help people and organisations reduce their reliance on service and paid supports. We are focused on building capacity, not making you more reliant on others.


“Social inclusion is not simply the increased presence of marginalised person in society but rather that such people begin to occupy valued social roles within society and community life” (Michael Kendrick).